Thursday, January 31, 2013

More anti-Christian Facebook goodness

  • Rho Logy
     \\It appears to me that your only real argument is.. because the bible says it's bad\\

    What is? That abortion is? Is *IS* bad, according to the Bible. 

    \\That's the difference between us, i have the potential to change my mind on things.\\

    So do I, if I realise I've been mistaken about something. But if you're open to changing your mind about literally EVERYTHING, you can't know anything.

    Tell me one thing that you KNOW FOR SURE, and how you know it FOR SURE, please.
    • Hide 92 Replies
    • Rich Ross so you are saying that you pick and choose which parts of the bible you want to follow then?
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Rho Logy No.
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Sean Gilley So when was the last time you wore two fabrics at once?
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Rho Logy #amazingignorance
      Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoeve...See More
    • Rich Ross I know for sure that i think you are an idiot. I know this for sure because i have read what you have posted. I am also sure that i am willing to change my mind if proven wrong.
    • Sean Gilley Ummm. This is facebook not the twitters.
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Rho Logy \\I know for sure that i think you are an idiot.\\

      How do you know you read it? How do you know you didn't imagine reading that? 
      How do you know the external world is in fact an illusion created by your brain?
      Like · 3 · 20 hours ago
    • Rho Logy I didn't say nothing exists. Please try again and actually answer the question.
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Rich Ross That is irrellevant.
    • Rho Logy What is irrelevant?
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Sean Gilley I already did and you responded elsewhere. And you dont know that the world isnt just a big hallucination, so people tend to do what they personally think is best in the moment.
    • Rich Ross My point is nothing more than it is pointless attempting to discuss the pros and cons of abortion as you are not in a situation where you will potentially change your mind on it or adjust your views, due to your rigid religious beliefs.
    • Rho Logy So if the world is just a big hallucination, there is no reason to seek truth. All existence is literally absurd, which includes questions about contraception.
      So is the question "does Sean Gilley think my opinion is weird?" Absurdity. "Is this world a hallucination?" Absurdity.

      So why do you care about any of this? I'm going to live consistently with YOUR stated worldview and just not care about talking to you imaginary people. 

    • Sean Gilley This is a repost that has already been answered. don't be lazy.
    • Rho Logy Yawn whatever. Laziness is a hallucination, an illusion. Be lazy, don't be lazy; it doesn't matter a bit. Right?
    • Sean Gilley You get to pick whether or not it matters for you as an individual. Thats the beauty of it.
    • Sean Gilley Right. I'm going to make dinner. Or hallucinate that I did. I'll leave you to muddle along. See you later xxxxx
    • Rho Logy How do you know we get to pick whether or not it matters, as an individual? Give me a reason to think this is true. Don't assert it.
    • Sean Gilley Because I have done just that. And I'm getting on just fine. Except for making dinner. I really should get on that........
    • Rho Logy You've merely asserted it.
    • Sean Gilley Well done Rho. Reductivism goes two ways as you well know.
    • Rho Logy Prove it. You can't reduce my worldview to absurdity, b/c mine is actually true.
    • Sean Gilley Prove your god.
    • Rho Logy That's not a reductio. Try again.
    • Rho Logy I don't need to prove that the God of the Bible exists.
    • Sean Gilley But tha is the core of your philosophy isn't it? ultimately the answer to why, for you is, God did it.
    • Sean Gilley Whilst for me its: "We're doing experiments! Whey!"
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Rho Logy What is the core of my philosophy? That I need to prove God exists? You're entirely mistaken about that. 

      What experiments have you done to demonstrate that we get to pick whether or not it matters, as an individual?
    • Rich Ross Yep, still an idiot. Keep going i may change my mind.
    • Sean Gilley You're talking in massive abstracts now. Meanwhile my side gets bigger everyday. Does that not terrify you? That more and more people are deciding that they do not need a god?
    • Rho Logy No, it doesn't terrify me. God told me to expect just that exact thing, in the Bible. 
      So, will you answer my question, please? I'm sorry that you don't know what "taking things to their logical conclusion" means, but you appear to be a complete novice to these questions. Your worldview is completely unfounded; you just need to realise it and repent.
    • Rho Logy Rich Ross your sideline sniping is cute, but I'm raising serious questions and you're not even trying to answer them.
    • Sean Gilley Even if their were a god, Rho, I would want no part of him. If your bible is correct then he is, in my opinion, absolutely pure evil.
    • Sean Gilley Also, did god tell you directly? Because thats kind of mad.
      Like · 2 · 20 hours ago
    • Rho Logy I know you want no part of Him, but you have a fearful destination in front of you, and meanwhile your worldview is completely absurd. And that makes you a fool.

      Yes, God told me that in the Bible. God can speak to people in lots of different ways. He's all-powerful. If you think that's mad, I don't care. My worldview says that YOU'RE the fool to say that, and YOUR worldview says that "mad" just means statistical variance.
    • Rich Ross actually you completely ignored my last point. Also God told you nothing. You read it in a book and took it to be true. A book written after a long line of Chinese whispers.
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Rho Logy I didn't ignore it. It's at the top of this sub-thread. 
      \\It appears to me that your only real argument is.. because the bible says it's bad\\

      What is? That abortion is? Is *IS* bad, according to the Bible. 

      \\That's the difference between us, i have the potential to change my mind on things.\\

      So do I, if I realise I've been mistaken about something. But if you're open to changing your mind about literally EVERYTHING, you can't know anything.

      Tell me one thing that you KNOW FOR SURE, and how you know it FOR SURE, please.
    • Rich Ross nope. this one... My point is nothing more than it is pointless attempting to discuss the pros and cons of abortion as you are not in a situation where you will potentially change your mind on it or adjust your views, due to your rigid religious beliefs.
    • Sean Gilley I pity your position as a statistical variance. And if you think I'm that bad then i must be doing something right.
    • Rho Logy \\My point is nothing more than it is pointless attempting to discuss the pros and cons of abortion\\

      1) Then why are you here?
      2) I don't agree, b/c many other people are reading, and they can weigh the merits of our respective cases.

      \\you are not in a situation where you will potentially change your mind on it or adjust your views, due to your rigid religious beliefs.\\

      Saying "2+2=4 is TRUE!!!!" is rigid. It also happens to be true. Nothing wrong with rigidity, if you have the truth. It's foolish to be flexible when you know you have the truth. And the absurdity of your position is a certain indication that your worldview is worthless.
    • Lee Smith One thing I know for sure? The existence of god is as believable as the existence of unicorns. If anything unicorns are more believable if you count the amount of books they've appeared in
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Rho Logy \\I pity your position as a statistical variance\\


      \\And if you think I'm that bad then i must be doing something right.\\

      "Right" doesn't exist except in your mind, according to you. You think you're right. Joe Doe thinks you should be killed. You have not given us a way to know whether you or Joe Doe is actually getting it right. 

      Take another opportunity. Don't talk about laws. Tell me why Joe Doe is wrong to want to kill pro-abortion people whose names begin with "S".
    • Rho Logy \\\ The existence of god is as believable as the existence of unicorns\\

      How do you know that for sure?
    • Rich Ross How do you know it is the truth?
    • Rho Logy How do I know that what is the truth?
    • Sean Gilley God. How do you know there is a god?
      Like · 1 · 20 hours ago
    • Rich Ross I'll go with the bible. How do you know it is true?
    • Rho Logy Rich Ross - The impossibility of the contrary. It is impossible that the Bible is not true.

      Sean Gilley - Check the FAQ.
    • Rich Ross That is quite frankly ridiculous. It is entirely possibly if for no other reason than the fact is has been written, re written and translated from many languages. I have an example to demonstrate this...
    • Rho Logy It wasn't "translated from many languages". You don't know much about the textual history of the Bible, it would seem. Next?
    • Rich Ross OK.... translated through many languages.
    • Rho Logy That's not true either. Wow. This just keeps getting better.
    • Rho Logy Here's an idea - how about you stop saying things that prove you are entirely ignorant?
    • Rich Ross and i thought i was pedantic.
    • Rho Logy Yeah, that's not an answer either.
    • Rich Ross So the bible was written in English then was it?
    • Rho Logy No, and neither was it "translated through many languages", nor "translated from many languages".
    • Rich Ross The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Indeed, the full Bible has been translated into over 450 languages, and some sections of the Bible have been translated into over 2,000 languages.

      The Latin Vulgate was dominant in Western Christianity through the Middle Ages. Since then, the Bible has been translated into many more languages. English Bible translations in particular have a rich and varied history of more than a millennium.

      First paragraph on Wikipedia.
    • Rich Ross DAS A FAKT!
    • Rho Logy Yes, *INTO*. Finally you said something true.
    • Rho Logy \\ DAS A FAKT!\\

      LOL K
    • Rho Logy 1) Seriously, stop citing Wikipedia.
      2) So what? You were still wrong. It's not debatable. 
      Do yourself a favor and READ that article instead of linking it. You need to learn a few things about this topic.
    • Rich Ross Into one and then another and then another....therefore "through" and losing accuracy in the process.
    • Rho Logy You're still wrong. Your ignorance is amazing, but what amazes more is that you're citing information and not bothering to read it. Or, you have terrible reading comprehension.
    • Rich Ross I feel safe citing wiki on this subject as you religious people are so anal about things that massive errors would have been corrected.

      Also even if nothing was lost due to translating from one language into another, there is still the possibility of human error during the translations, and therefore deviation from the original text.
      Like · 1 · 19 hours ago
    • Rich Ross Anywho, i wasn't wrong.
    • Rich Ross So like i said, it is not only entirely possible, but highly likely that the Bible is inaccurate compared to the original text.
    • Rho Logy Oh, good to know you "feel safe". LOL so much for atheists being really careful about truth and sources. 

      \\ there is still the possibility of human error during the translations, and therefore deviation from the original text.\\

      1) Neat. What errors would you suggest the translators missed?
      Oh, you're entirely and 100% ignorant of the translation processes? Wow, I'd never have guessed. 
      2) God protects His Word and makes sure that it is adequately communicated.
    • Rho Logy Yes, you were wrong. Twice.

      And just b/c YOU THINK it's highly likely it's inaccurate doesn't mean anything. You're obviously totally ignorant, so why would anyone care?
    • Rich Ross You do love to insult people don't you. Wheres the love and compassion?

      Where did i state i was an athiest?
    • Rho Logy I didn't insult you. You may want to examine yourself for oversensitivity. 
      I have so much compassion for you that I am patiently answering you even in your foolish ignorance.

      You didn't state it. If you're not an atheist, I apologise and stand corrected.
    • Rich Ross And just because you think that it is impossible that the bible to not be true does not make that true. It is your opinion/belief/faith.
      Like · 1 · 19 hours ago
    • Rho Logy I'm happy to argue it, but you've proven too ignorant to know where to begin to interact on that question.
    • Rich Ross oki went and had a butchers at the website you linked to.. proof that god exists and got this at the end...

      You see, you deny that the universal, immaterial laws of logic, mathematics, science and absolute morality are unchanging yet you base your life on their unchanging nature. Unless you reconsider your stand on this matter, your road to this site's proof that God exists ends here. It is my prayer that you give up on this irrational thinking and return to seek the truth.

      The very nature of the science is that it changes as it evolves and becomes more advanced (special mention to the evolution of humans) ... Scientists regularly change their views when something is proven different to first believed, absolute morality changes through time and places.
      Like · 1 · 18 hours ago · Edited
    • Rho Logy \\The very nature of the science is that it changes as it evolves and becomes more advanced (special mention to the evolution of humans)\\

      Science = inductive reasoning =/= laws of logic. 

      \\absolute morality changes through time and places.\\

      Oh, OK, so in the past it HAS BEEN morally obligatory to molest little girls for fun?
    • Rich Ross not obligatory but certainly not considered a crime. It wasn't that long ago..early 1900's that 14 was an entirely acceptable age to be wed and having children.
    • Rho Logy Younger than 14. Say, 7 years old. 
      And I didn't say marry them; I said molest them. For fun. 
      Please answer the question.
    • Rich Ross why is 14 not as bad as 7? is it morally different?
    • Rho Logy No, let's just say for the sake of argument it's not different. Please answer my question. 
      OK, so in the past it HAS BEEN morally obligatory to molest little girls for fun?
    • Rich Ross morally acceptable...yes.
    • Rho Logy How do you know that?
    • Rich Ross Education.
    • Rich Ross I know you love a bit of wiki...
    • Rho Logy How do you know your education was correct? Were you ever taught something that you later found to be wrong? 
      Could I just say "education" to answer your doubts about my beliefs? And then expect you to accept it?
    • Rich Ross No, that is why i followed up with some form of evidence. 

      I do not have doubts about your beliefs. They are your beliefs. I may not believe the same things however.
    • Rho Logy What evidence did you give? Some wikipedia link? HAHAHAHAH right K

      Anyway, as we've seen, your beliefs are absurd, so...
    • Rich Ross Again you make a statment about me that is unfounded. I have not stated my beliefs.
    • Rho Logy Yes, you did. You've talked about science and morality. And you showed that you're grossly ignorant.
    • Rich Ross Nope. Feel free to believe that though.

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