Friday, January 06, 2006

You want religion? You got it!

Everything you could ask for in a religion. Is Next-Day Delivery OK?


  1. By the way, be careful with the wall units that blow warm air. They are VERY expensive. My friend just told me that her electric bill this month was very close to 40000 yen... We have the wall heaters, but we stay away from them. Invest in a kerosine heater. It's the cheapest and warmest way to go. :)

  2. haha thats awesome. by the way, I found the OU-Oregon Holiday Bowl as a video file and have it on my computer. It's a little over 1 gig, but IM me and I can send it to you and tell you how to play it and such. Its got all the commercials cut out and everything. pretty nice.

  3. actually, i found a torrent site that has pretty much any big bowl game from this year. Sugar, Rose, Peach, Fiesta, Orange, Sun, Alamo, Insight Bowls.

    just let me know

  4. i came across this today. This is almost the exact same thing as Mammon. Pretty hilarious. I think youll dig it.


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