Thursday, June 28, 2007

Only £10 to hear something other than the Gospel

Whew! At least Joel Osteen finds it almost impossible to preach the Gospel. I'd hate to think that he would charge people to hear it in the United Kingdom.

And BTW, I'll get back to the discussions here, but this week I've been occupied w/ work and especially completing our application for missionary service, and then I was sick for just over 2 days.


  1. osteen drives me insane. i would love to wipe that smile off his face.

    wow. that wasnt very christian was it?

  2. It all depends on how far your "wipe the smile off" solution varies from the knuckle sandwich method.

  3. Pssh. Osteen. What a goob.

    Word verification: Zlucu. Hmm. Don't I know a "Father Zlucu" from somewhere? Seems like I should...

  4. Isn't that one of those guys in the Jedi Council?


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