Friday, October 17, 2008

The serenity and calm of the pro-choice 'thinker'

Does it get much better than this? I guess it could have more profanity in it...

Okay, Rhology, let's just establish that you're an idiot. Perhaps you think no one calls you on your rampant, constant spouting of BS because you're right, but in fact you fall so far along the bleeding edge of the lunatic fringe that honestly no one cares what you think. We're both posting on an internet website, but I honestly am concerned about your daily interactions with people because based on your posts here you are living in a fantasy land. A fertilized egg is a baby? Rhology, your views on women are horribly condescending, and if you are in fact in a doctor - something that seems doubtful - I can only imagine all the other patronizing ways you treat your patients. To assume that a woman doesn't treat the decision to have an abortion as anything other than horribly, terribly serious is delusional. A baby isn't an abstraction to a woman contemplating an abortion, and the only reason you think it is is because you are entirely, utterly incapable of placing yourself in anyone's shoes except your own massive blowhard nonsense of "discourse". No doubt you're going to take this to task for not offering a serious rebuttal, or logical fallacies, or whatever. Rhology, part of life is realizing that when people are stupid, asinine hacks, then maybe they don't deserve a real response.

OK, duly noted - I'm an idiot. What does that say about those of you on the other side when you can't even respond to an idiot's arguments?

-A fertilized egg is a baby?

Yes. Give me a good argument as to why not. Riddle me this:
1) When does a fertilised egg become a baby?
2) How do you know?
3) If you do not know with 100% certainty, why do you feel that it's OK to go ahead and kill it anyway, even if we're not sure what it is? Do you always shoot first and ask questions later?
4) Whenever it is, please describe the difference between that baby and the lifeform 10 minutes before the point when it became a baby. And how you know that. This should be rich.

Oh yeah, and I found two very interesting links with respect to what medical professionals and researchers think about that very question.

-your views on women are horribly condescending

In what way? B/c I want them to be fully informed? You have some weird standards of condescension!

-if you are in fact in a doctor

I'm not. That was a rhetorical device known as a "hypothetical".

-To assume that a woman doesn't treat the decision to have an abortion as anything other than horribly, terribly serious is delusional.

Given that the vast majority of abortions are NOT related to extreme health danger, rape, or incest, I can only conclude that you don't know what you're talking about.
And, listen to yourself. You believe this is not really a baby we're talking about. It's more like an appendage, an organ. An inconvenient organ at that, much like an appendix.
"To assume that a woman doesn't treat the decision to have an appendicitis as anything other than horribly, terribly serious is delusional."
How ridiculous is that?
You don't get to have it both ways. It's either a baby or it's not. And if it's not, abort away! So what?

-A baby isn't an abstraction to a woman contemplating an abortion

Then no doubt you are in favor of the bill that is criticised in this editorial. Ultrasounds merely demonstrate with greater clarity how much a baby is NOT an abstraction to be ruthlessly killed.

You accuse me of speaking "blowhard nonsense", but it's pretty clear you're engaging in a bit of self-projection. Another word to look up - "substantive". Bring *substantive* arguments to the table. Until then, peace and calm to you.


  1. You are not welcome to contact me through e-mail and don't fucking do it again. I hope you enjoy your fantasy world, you moronic fucking dipshit - and perhaps it would be too much to ask you to keep your nose out of college newspapers you have no affiliation with, because that's fucking creepy.

  2. Okay, Rhology, let's just establish that you're an idiot.

    Here's my boilerplate debate credo:

    "I always have found that, when personal insults are resorted to, it is a clear sign the debater is desperate...if not already thrashed."

  3. Just for the record, sir, I didn't contact you thru email; I contacted you thru the newspaper login private msg system.

    Also, I do have an affiliation with this univ. I paid some money (or, more specifically, Oklahoma taxpayers paid money) to acquire a couple of valuable pieces of paper from that very school that say I'm semi-smart. (Boy did I fool them!)


When posting anonymously, please, just pick a name and stick with it. Not "Anonymous". At minimum, "Anonymous1", just for identification.