Sunday, January 04, 2009

Disemvoweled by the Atheist Experience

I'm not sure what happened, actually.  I was an on-again, off-again commenter at the Atheist Experience blog. For a stretch of numerous months, I would read the AthExp blog, and if they had something about which I had something to say, I would comment and engage people in discussion or debate, depending on whatever the other commenters wanted to do.

But without warning or email, at least that I saw, they banned me from commenting.
Yet they left my comments alone, which I appreciated.

Now, I'm typing this on 14 April 2011, which is when I had time to do this housekeeping. I noticed about a month ago that my comments had been "disemvoweled", so now they're pretty much illegible. That's a clever term for a clever concept, but I'm not at all sure why they waited so long to do that.  It's pretty weak, if you ask me, but if they want to remove the legibility of a commenter like me who clearly reduced their arguments to absurdity numerous times, that's their business.  I had, however, saved the comment boxes for these posts, so I'm replacing the links.

Here they are:

The Atheist Experience in revue - Money and thermodynamics

The Atheist Experience in revue - Oh, I just had to send off for one of these!

The Atheist Experience in revue - And now, a rant: Christians can't be happy unless they're making gays unhappy. That's mean. Mean people suck.

The Atheist Experience in revue - The inherent fallacies of Rhology's presuppositionalism

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