Friday, March 06, 2009

My cultist duty

Just a quick announcement that my wife, whom I very rarely permit outside the kitchen, let alone the house, has contributed another member to my subset of the populace (at 2:41 am no less!). He is tiny but he will be mighty, and the cult to which I belong has already rewarded me with promises of yet more abundant power and grandeur in The Age To Come, which Our Great Leader is pretty sure will come into being before 2196 (which adds up to 18, which divided into 3 is 666 - you do the math). Anyway, I will be taking a break for the next week or so. Sorry to all who want a crack at me. Patience is a virtue.


  1. Congratulations!!! Rest as much as humanly possible, wait no... let your wife rest as much as humanly possible this next week ;) God bless you all.

  2. Congrats, Rho. May he grow in the grace and wisdom of Christ.
    And a healthy dose of scepticism, like his pop.

  3. congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

    and the child's name shall be durshos, my word verification for this post.


  4. evenshine: Rhology doesn't have a healthy dose of skepticism; he has an almost negligible dose of skepticism.

  5. That's great news. Another atheist comes into this world. :)

    I hope your spousal unit is doing well.

  6. I rejoice with you brother. The Lord is exceedingly gracious.

  7. Congrads on the birth of a healthy child, let us all wish he grows into a healthy man with an inquisitive mind eager to learn.

  8. Awesome, a Catholic in the making. Congrats!


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