Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Pro-Lifers Cooperating With Abortion

Please see this post from an abolitionist at Pulpit & Pen.


  1. I appreciate yall's concern for Oklahoma but you need to harass the legislature to get ABORTION outlawed. Leave this company alone! You obviously don't have a job. I mean how could you if you want these workers to quit because of servicing this building. You cant tell me there is a perfect christian employer out there with perfect employees that have the same exact views as you. And if yarbrough and sons don't finish this job you know someone else will. how many clinics have you stopped from building? I bet none. So by picketing and harassing these people is not working!

  2. Why would I leave the company alone? They are sinning. I love them too much to be silent.
    Whether I have a job is irrelevant.
    Yes, people ought to quit rather than to apply blood to their hands by what they support, for their part.

    I didn't claim there's a perfect employer out there. All should be STRIVING for perfection, however, and this is a no-brainer.

    how many clinics have you stopped from building? I bet none

    How is that relevant?

    So by picketing and harassing these people is not working!

    Do you know what my goal is?

  3. i could only listen to half of this. The way you harrassed an employee after she agreed to what you wanted ie: speak to her boss, you quickly showed what your orginizations is all about. The idea of confronting a brother is very admirable and biblical. To threaten to black mail him and his employees is absolute insanity and far from Christ.

    "You love them so much" that is why you'd threaten them with your "audience" if they don't listen? Chapter and verse please! You said you were in their area, why not go to their business in person rather than calling in and recording it? This just smells like Westboro...

  4. I didn't harass her. I was asking nicely and she refused to listen. It was totally unprofessional and very impolite of her. She quickly showed what HER organisation is all about.
    But if you are mad that I got a little upset because she wouldn't treat CHILD MURDER with urgency... yes, that does show what my brethren and I are all about.

    I wasn't threatening to blackmail them. Are you on drugs? It's the exact opposite of blackmail!

    "You love them so much" that is why you'd threaten them with your "audience" if they don't listen?

    I told them I would expose them. Read Ephesians 5:11 and Isaiah 58.

    You said you were in their area, why not go to their business in person rather than calling in and recording it?

    Two friends of mine went to their business mere hours later on the same day. You'd know that if you'd watched more than half the video.
    Please, do more research and speak ignorantly less. My goodness. What an embarrassing comment from you. No wonder you're anonymous.


When posting anonymously, please, just pick a name and stick with it. Not "Anonymous". At minimum, "Anonymous1", just for identification.