Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Afraid of Islam

Here's a good indicator of one reason why American churches are so pitifully inept.

At the 57m31s mark of the latest episode of the Dividing Line, James White takes a call from someone who seems to be a pastor, asking in essence if it would be OK for him to expose his congregation to a scenario in which they would be reaching out to and coming into substantial contact with Muslims. He doesn't want to "open (his) congregation up too much to (Islam and the influence of the imam he just met)".

Are you kidding me? What are you afraid of? What power does Islam have? What truth does it possess that it didn't rip off the Bible? Who will bring these people the Gospel if not you?

And why don't you have confidence in your people? Why aren't you leading them to be strong in the faith and contend earnestly for it? How is it anything other than near-total failure on your part that you don't feel they are prepared to come into contact with lost people and talk to them about their religious beliefs? How do you think people grow in their ability to defend and explain the Bible if not through practice (Hebrews 5:13-14)? Do you think that if you don't do this, the people of this congregation won't be exposed to false religion and false worldviews in some other way that you can't hover over and sweep away with your cowardly hand-waving? What sort of example have you thus set for those who DO encounter the enemy's lies? Some will flee the battle. Others will scratch their heads and wonder why their pastor is so nervous about entertaining open and frank discussion about the defensibility and truth of the Christian faith.

And so what if exposure to a false religion is the provocation for some of "your people" to fall away? Wouldn't that mean they were never regenerate to begin with? Isn't it better that they leave your fellowship in open and visible rebellion to the King rather than stay in concealment as a false brother and a hidden reef at your love feasts (Jude 12) (that is, if you even do love feasts at your church) (hint: you should be)?

SO MUCH wrong with that call and that caller. God help him. He is walking in fear instead of walking in faith.

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