Saturday, July 29, 2006

Postcard from San Francisco

It's a foggy night in SF and I'm awake at 12:50 am.
I didn't end up spending all day in the Osaka Airport; I put my bags in a storage locker and took the commuter train down to a nearby outlet mall type place and haunted a Starbux for a few hours and window-shopped. It was relaxing. Came back to the airport, took a shower, got on the plane, felt comfy, didn't sleep, there you go. Got to SF and crashed for 8.5 hrs at my friends' house. Got up, didn't do much, went back to their house and slept from 1:45 pm to 5:15 pm. Nice. Ate dinner at home and went out for coffee to SF's North Beach district. The vibe reminded me of Seattle but was sleazier, w/ not only coffeehouses but also girlie shows and bars in abundance. Interesting place, though. We talked about debate and abortion and other fun things; I'd say it was appropriate conversation for a Fri night at a coffeehouse, wouldn't you? My decaf was terrible, my coffee cake lethally good, my Americano (to make up for the disappointing decaf) was sublime. Should've ordered a shot of decaf espresso in the Americano. From that mistake stems the fact that I'm blogging at 10 'till 1 am when I should be sleeping.
Tomorrow is Damien's wedding. Beforehand we'll go to Alcatraz. Neat.


Josh Maxwell said...

Hey, Alan! Did you ever get my email??? -Max

Ka Ki said...

hey I just can't believe they outlawed green tea stuff...there is green tea toothpaste in Hong Kong...and I love it and I brush my teeth all the times now....:)

Josh Maxwell said...

Yeah, this is the Max you thought it was. I got your email and replied. If you didn't get it this time maybe you've got me on some sort of spam blocked list... It's a possibility.