I thought it might be edifying (or not) to boil down a bit what passes for argumentation in larryniven's (who's stopped by to grace us all with his presence over the past couple of weeks in recent comboxes) world.
Can you read?
Any reason why you felt compelled to ask that again? Haven't got that far in Hooked on Phonics?
You, sir, are a sophist by your own admission.
feel free to never post here again.
The world deserves better people than you, so I encourage you to remove yourself from society as much as possible until the happy day when your body becomes as dead as your brain. Failing that, at least have the common courtesy to get off the internet, you insufferable windbag.
(The latest) My goal, you self-satisfied ignoramus, is to squelch propaganda, which is all you have to offer. So far, precisely zero of your arguments have even come close to approaching logical validity, so, as per my comments policy, I'll be deleting the rest of your utterly useless comments, including this latest one. If you want to be heard, learn how to argue without all the ____.
...nobody, not even those of us looking for an argument on the internet, should have to deal with someone that embarrassingly stupid. Seriously.
Have you read the Bible? All things considered, it isn't that long - it's gotta be shorter than the Lord of the Rings trilogy, for instance.
For those interested, I've read both the Bible and LOTR. The Bible is longer, trust me.
Anyway, my apologies to all who've been waiting around for me. I've been sick for a week now and am still weak and can't exert myself much without pain. Prayers are appreciated.
Well, since larryniven deleted my latest comment, I'll just post it here so anyone can see who's offering naked assertions and who's attempting to get to the bottom of the issue.
Any reason why you felt compelled to ask that again? Haven't got that far in Hooked on Phonics?
I was just making sure I understood you correctly.
But your refusal and insulting comments are duly noted. Your standard for making moral judgments is undefined by you, so a reasonable person has every right and justification to consider any moral judgment you might express as simple personal stipulation on your part. Personal stipulation is also known as naked assertion, and to defeat a naked assertion, one needs only to assert the opposite.
Let's see how far you let me get when I just assert that Jesus Christ is Lord of all.
I'm not going to argue for it here, I'm just going to assert it. My assertion and your assertions you've made in this post have (so far) the same epistemic justification. The backing argument is that which provides the strength of the assertion. Your blog has "Philosophy" in it, but maybe you missed Phil 101 class that day.
No more than you've been reading into mine.
Oh please. This is just a knee-jerk "Nuh uh, yeah huh!!!" reaction. Anyone can see who's doing what here.
You, sir, are a sophist by your own admission.
Really? Where did I state such?
feel free to never post here again.
Wow, are you not into entertaining other points of view or sthg? Does chumming around exclusively with sycophants give you a tickly good time?
If you believe that God's nature is good and God's commandments stem from God's nature, you do in fact believe in divine command theory
Divine command theory is the idea that that which is good is good b/c God commands it. that's why it's called Divine command theory.
My position is not that.
You do not have the right to make words mean whatever you want them to just so that you can win arguments
The blindness you display here is amazing.
The world deserves better people than you, so I encourage you to remove yourself from society as much as possible until the happy day when your body becomes as dead as your brain. Failing that, at least have the common courtesy to get off the internet, you insufferable windbag.
Wow. Well, if your goal is to squelch conversation from opponents to your views, you're doing a decent job.